Poem from My Twitter Feed

Today was the SCBWI Spring Spirit conference, and it was so much fun! I’ll post an actual write up soon, but for now, in honor of National Poetry Writing Month, here’s a long poem cobbled together from my some of Tweets today at Spring Spirit (#SpSp14):

Listening to Louise May & @DeirdreEJones at #SpSp14
makes me want to write
nonfiction picture books
with a fun twist.
#author #ButMyYAnovels

A good question:
How do you get the emotion
out of a biography?
My answer:
Find out WHY
you want to write the bio
& go there.

Happy to report that I finally met
my @LEEandLOW editor Louise May
in person!
And I got a hug!
So did @AprilChuART !

The internet has invaded
our face-to-face lives.

I refuse to believe
that my internet friends
are NOT figments
of my imagination!

So @jayasherguy denies
ever having spoken a keynote
at @SCBWI LA, but
I clearly remember cheering him on.
Anyone confirm or deny?

Excited to listen to @nikkigrimes9
taking photos of the audience!
I missed out
taking a photo
of her
taking a photo!

I didn’t plan to sit
at the front for
The Dating Game,
but it’s the best way
to admire @DeirdreEJones‘s

The premise for The Dating Game:
agent Tricia asks really great questions & stumps
3 plate-faced editors.

If I were stranded on a dessert island,
I would read my e-reader or phone.
Then when that died out,
I would write my own books.

Louise & Deirdre
both say their favorite book
is Little Women.
If Chad says his favorite book
is Little Women,
I will give him
a chocolate bunny.

No chocolate bunny for Chad.
But Jay gets one!

Just offered @Mike_Jung a piece of pumpkin zucchini cake
that he could not reach during main session. It’s delicious!
But I’m keeping the pumpkin blueberry muffin for myself.
#sorry #notreally

If my life is a hashtag,
it would be

Hurray for Asian-American protagonists in #kidlit!

My favorite fictional food
I want to eat right now
is a chocolate frog
with a pint of butter beer.

I know I was perceived as Hermione as a kid,
but I always felt like a cross between
Ron and Ginny. #WeasleyAtHeart

.@nikkigrimes9‘s closing lines made me
teary-eyed. The difference between good and great
is patience. #SpSp14

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